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Tiwa Savage: Married And Was Still Giving Lap Dance

The beauty of marriage is the respect of the institution and the decision to drop whatever we were doing when we were single that can be detrimental to the marriage. Tiwa Savage threw caution to the winds even after she got married. On may 2014, in a performance for Star Trek, Tiwa Savage wore a raunchy outfit and even gave a lap dance to a fan on stage. In 2014, Tiwa Savage released a controversial music video of her song "Wanted" that video was filled with Unclothedness and provocative dressing. As if that was not enough, in November 2014, at the Channel O music award, a live performance of their song "Girlie O", Tiwa Savage got cozy and cozier with Patoranking and gave him a lap dance.

While doing all these, Tiwa Savage forgot she was married. There are limits to what a woman can do when she is married no matter who she is (Whether celebrity or not). But many will say she is a star she needs to still give her fans something to wow on. The feminists will argue that the husband is also doing worst. "OK o" shebi una don seeam now. As a passionate fan of Mercy Johnson, when she wanted to get married I felt a bit bad not because I was not happy she was getting married but because I knew I would no longer be seeing those mind blowing scenes in her movies like I ve' been used to. Movies like "Shakira" and others. Not only that, the way she dresses in movies and function that appeals to bad thoughts filled niggers like me would also no longer be there. If she had continued the way she dresses or act when she was single, then I would have known she is flippant with the marriage.

Today, the social media is with stories of how TeeBillz her husband and manager wants to commit suicide. That Don Jazzy, Dr. Sid, (So Dr. Sid dey do this kain thing too) and Tuface had all tasted from his served food. Tiwa Savage in turn accused him of being an irresponsible debtor and even eating the food and "Punnany" of a certain woman named "Edible Caterer". Am I the only one who find the Tiwa Savage side of the story as a horridly made up story to make it look like she is the victim here.

All being said and done, I knew this marriage was headed to rocks even from the onset. No be by 50 million Naira wedding or Dubai. Who with her clear eyes gets married to a man with two kids that has not finalized his divorce papers. Who gets married and still gives lap dance at the slightest opportunity? Who gets married and is quick to wear tight revealing dress to different function in the name of celebrity? You are inviting the devil to your marriage.

Oya e don do make una allow us rest for this issue. Na budget issue be the Koko. If Tiwa Savage and TeeBillz wants to reconcile, they should do so. Let them sit together somewhere away from the eyes of the public and tell themselves the truth whether they want to continue or not. But before then, other celebrity married women living Tiwa Savage kind of life should be careful.


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Created atNetworks 14/05/16
Tags: celebrity , Gist

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